Postcards — (LARGER Images) ATKINSON, Maoriland Native Flower Series, (c 1909)

(Natural History)


(New Zealand)



(Artists / Editors)




(ordered by author / editor)


(ordered by title)

(front of postcard) Ngaio, Myoporum loctum (back of postcard) Ngaio, Myoporum loctum
(front of postcard) KAIKAIATRIA, Rhobdothamnus Solandri (back of postcard) KAIKAIATRIA, Rhobdothamnus Solandri
(front of postcard) Kowhai-ngutu-Kaka, Clianthis puniceus (back of postcard) Kowhai-ngutu-Kaka, Clianthis puniceus
(front of postcard) Manuka, Septospermum scoparium (back of postcard) Manuka, Septospermum scoparium
(front of postcard) Kowhai, Sophora Tetraptera (back of postcard) Kowhai, Sophora Tetraptera
(front of postcard) Houhere, Hoheria populnea (back of postcard) Houhere, Hoheria populnea
(front of postcard) Aka, White Rata, Metrosideros scandens (back of postcard) Aka, White Rata, Metrosideros scandens
(front of postcard) Akiraho, Olearia fosteri (back of postcard) Akiraho, Olearia fosteri
(front of postcard), Koramiko, Veronica Salicifolia (back of postcard), Koramiko, Veronica Salicifolia
(front of postcard) Ngutu, Clematis Puniceus (back of postcard) Ngutu, Clematis Puniceus
(front of postcard) Pohutakawa, Metrosideros Excelsus (back of postcard) Pohutakawa, Metrosideros Excelsus
(front of postcard) Pikiarero, Clematis Asipola (back of postcard) Pikiarero, Clematis Asipola